To see details of a specific memorial or plaque image click on either the Memorial or Name. This will open the corresponding image in your browser window. Alternatively, hover your mouse cursor over the Memorial or number to see a preview.
Searches can be performed by Memorial, Unit, Country and/or Location. After entering your search criteria, click Search.
Examples of search criteria:
- George - will return all entries with Memorial George. Note searches are not case
sensitive, e.g. searching for George and george will return the same entries.
- Commando – will return all the entries that have Commando in the content, e.g. Memorial
Commando and Unit Commando.
- george Malta – will return all entries that have george as the Memorial name and
Malta as the Country.
To go back to the complete list of entires, clear the search box then click Search.
Memorial | Unit | Date | Country | Location | Notes | Inscription |
3 Commando Brigade Plaque | Royal Marines | Malta | ||||
3 Commando Brigade RM - History | 3 Commando Brigade RM | Malta GC | Valletta | |||
3 Commando Brigade RM Book of Remembrance | 3 Commando Brigade RM | Malta GC | Valletta | 3rd Commando Brigade Book of Remembrance, St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral, Valletta, Malta GC. | ||
3 Commando Brigade RM Memorial, Malta | 3 Commando Brigade RM | Malta GC | Valletta | 3rd Commando Brigade Memorial, St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral, Valletta, Malta GC. | ||
4 Commando RM | 4 Commando RM | Netherlands | Walcheren | Memorial to 4 Commando, located at Flushing, Island of Walcheren, Netherlands | ||
4 S.S. ( Commando ) Brigade | 4 S.S. (Commando) Brigade | Letter of commendation from Maj. General R. F. L. Keller, G.O.C. 3 Canadian Infantry Division, 15 June, 1944 | ||||
4 Special Service Brigade Memorial | 41, 46, 47, 48 Commando RM | France | Sallanelles | Located Sallenelles, Normandy, France Inscription: 4 Special Service Brigade - from June to August 1944 the Brigade held positions in this area - this Memorial honours the men of Brigade HQ 41 46 47 48 RM Commandos who gave their lives during this period | ||
40 Commando RM 1942-1946 | 40 Commando RM | UK | Isle of Wight | Memorial Plaque located St. Andrew's Church, Chale, Isle of Wight. | ||
40 Commando RM Memorial | 40 Commando RM | UK | RM Museum, Southsea | Memorial located Memorial Gardens Royal Marine Museum, Southsea, Hampshire | ||
40 Commando RM Memorial (1) | 40 Commando RM | UK | Isle of Wight | Located in garden of Upper Chine School. Shanklin, Isle of Wight | ||
40 Commando RM (2) | 40 Commando RM | UK | Isle of Wight | Located in garden of Upper Chine School. Shanklin, Isle of Wight | ||
40 Commando RM (3) | 40 Commando RM | UK | Isle of Wight | Located in garden of Upper Chine School. Shanklin, Isle of Wight. Unveiled at 6th Annual Reunion 40 Commando ( 1942-1946 ) Association by former RSM Jim Horsfield and Sergeant Jock Farmer, 15 April, 1991. Paid for by Association, Officers and Men, 40 Commando | ||
40 Commando RM Memorial | 40 Commando RM | UK | Isle of Wight | Memorial to 40 Commando RM 1942-1946 at the Chine, Isle of Wight | ||
41 Commando RM Memorial, Southsea | 41 Commando RM | UK | RM Museum, Southsea | Located Memorial Garden Royal Marines Museum, Southsea, Hampshire | ||
41 Independant Commando RM | 41 Ind. Commando RM | See image for description of Korean conflict. | ||||
42 Commando RM Arakan Memorial | 42 Commando RM | UK | RM Museum, Southsea | Memorial located Memorial Gardens Royal Marine Museum, Southsea, Hampshire | ||
42 Commando RM Brunei action | 42 Commando RM | |||||
42 Commando RM Pulpit Memorial St Mary the Virgin Church Bicklei | Royal Marines | UK | Devon | |||
42 Commando RM Pulpit Memorial St Mary the Virgin Church Bicklei | Royal Marines | UK | Devon | Ply//x 15599 Sgt Donald H A Dennis RM RM 15145 Mne David Howard RM RM11202 Mne Bernard J Price RM RM Brian J Short RM | ||
42 Commando RM Pulpit Memorial St Mary the Virgin Church Bicklei | Royal Marines | UK | Devon |