Royal Marines Plaques & Memorials

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Examples of search criteria:
- George - will return all entries with Memorial George. Note searches are not case sensitive, e.g. searching for George and george will return the same entries.
- Commando – will return all the entries that have Commando in the content, e.g. Memorial Commando and Unit Commando.
- george Malta – will return all entries that have george as the Memorial name and Malta as the Country.

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Memorial Unit Date Country Location Notes Inscription
Delsaux Farm Memorial France
Denain Communal Cemetery & Memorial France
Denmead Church Memorial WW1 1914-1919 United Kingdom All Saint's Church, Denmead, Hants David Tilbury, Gunner RMA/5982 (RMR/B/548), HMS Hogue. To the Glory of God and in memory of David Tilbury of this parish. Gunner RMA, aged 40, attender, husband, father and loving son. He died defending his Country on HMS Hogue sunk in the North Sea by German submarines Sept 22nd 1914See separate plaque. In memoriam. Includes: David Tilbury
Denmead Hall Memorial WW1 1914-1919 United Kingdom Denmead Memorial Hall, Denmead, Hants David Tilbury, Gunner RMA/5982 (RMR/B/548), HMS Hogue. In memoriam 1914-1919. Includes: David Tilbury. See separate plaque
Denmead Village Memorial 1914-1918, 1939-1945 United Kingdom Village Green, Denmead, Hants Gnr David Tilbury, RMA/5982 (RMR/B/548). No WW2 RMs This memorial is dedicated to those from Denmead who died in service of their Country and is a record of our gratitude. Includes: WW1: David Tilbury
Dernancourt France
Dobwalls War Memorial RM UK Cornwall Ply/x103925 Sgt Edward G Rowe
Douchy Les Ayette British Cemetery Memorial France Pas de Calais
Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension 1 Memorial France
Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension 2 Memorial France
Douvres La Deliverande, France 41, 48 Commando RM France Douvres la Deliverande Street nameplate for Rue des Berets Verts, dedicated to 41 and 48Commando's RM who were both involved in the capture of an important radar station at Douvres La Deliverande, Normandy, France Inscription: Rue des Berets Verts
Dover Patrol 4th RM Battalion UK Dover The 4th RM Battalion ( Zeebrugge raid ) served in the Dover patrol Inscription: To the Glory of God and in everlasting remembrance of the Dover Patrol 1914-1919. They died that we might live, may we be worthy of their sacrifice. In memory of Officers and Men of the RN and MN who gave their lives in ships sailing Dover Strait..
Down St Mary War Memorial St Mary the Virgin Church RMLI UK Devon Ply/17013 Pte Samuel W V Butt
Droxford Memorial WW1 1914-1919 United Kingdom St Mary & All Saints Church, Droxford, Hants T/Capt George Henry Sulivan, RMLI, 1st RM Bn, RN Div, died 13 Nov 1916, France; Pte William Hall, RMLI, PO/295/S, Potsmouth Btn, RN Div, died 6 May 1915, Gallipoli To the Glory of God and in grateful remembrance of men connected with this parish who died in the war 1914-1918. Includes: T/Capt G H Sulivan, RMLI; Private W Hall, RMLI
Droxford Memorial WW2 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Mary & All Saints Church, Droxford, Hants Mne Charles Dennis Pearce, PO/X 3873, HMS Fuji, died 23 May 1941; presumably Mne Benjamin Thomas Smith, PO/X 1564, HMS Hood, died 24 May 1941. Remember the men of this parish who died in the service of their Country 1939-1945. Includes: C D Pearce, Marine, RM; B T Smith, Marine, RM
Durley Holy Cross memorial doors WW2 1939-1945 United Kingdom Holy Cross Church, Durley, Hants Mne Henry Clark, RM, PO/22127 1939 In Memory 1945, They died for King and Country. Includes: Mne Harry Clark, Royal Marines
Durley Holy Cross plaque WW1 1914-1918 United Kingdom Holy Cross Church, Durley, Hants Pte Frederick John Hutchings, RMLI, PO/1415(S) To the Glory of God and in undying memory of the men of this parish who laid down their lives in the service of their Country in the Great War 1914-1918. Includes: Private Frederick Hutchings, RMLI.
Durley Memorial Hall WW1 1914-1919 United Kingdom Memorial Hall, Durley, Hants Pte Frederick John Hutchings, RMLI, PO/1415(S) In grateful and undying memory of the men of this Parish who made The Great Sacrifice, 1914-1919. Includes: Frederick Hutchings, Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry.
Durley Memorial Hall WW2 1939-1945 United Kingdom Memorial Hall, Durley, Hants Henry Clarke Marine 22127 HMS Indominable Royal Marine. Died 12/08/1942 Age 34. Husband of Annie Clarke of Durley, Hampshire, England. Commemorated at Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire, United Kingdom, 70.2. 1939 In Memory 1945, They died for King and Country. Includes: Harry Clark, Mne Royal Marines
Durnbach War Cemetery Royal Marines Germany Bavaria Durnbach War Cemetery, near Bad Totz, Bavaria, Germany