Royal Marines Plaques & Memorials

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Examples of search criteria:
- George - will return all entries with Memorial George. Note searches are not case sensitive, e.g. searching for George and george will return the same entries.
- Commando – will return all the entries that have Commando in the content, e.g. Memorial Commando and Unit Commando.
- george Malta – will return all entries that have george as the Memorial name and Malta as the Country.

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Memorial Unit Date Country Location Notes Inscription
South Africa 3 RMA South Africa Capetown Memorial erected in memory of the Officers and Men of the South African Heavy Artillery who died in the Great War 1914 - 1918 containing names of men of the Royal Marine Artillery. Located at Company's Gardens, Capetown, South Africa.
South Africa 3 1899-1902 Royal Marines UK Plymouth Memorial located at Devonport Park, Plymouth. Inscription: This gun captured from the Boers during the South African War 1899-1902 has been erected by the Officers and Men of H.M.S.'Doris' in memory of their shipmates who lost their lives during the campaign.
South Africa 4 1899 Royal Marines South Africa Kimberley Memorial in memory of the men killed in the battles of Belmont 23 November 1899, Enslin 25 November 1899, Graspan 25 November 1899, Midden Rivers 28 November 1899, Macersfontein 11 December 1899. Inscription: Belmont 23-11-1899 Enslin 25-11-1899 Graspan 25-11-1899 Midden Rivers 28-11-1899 Macersfontein 11-12-1899
South Warnborough War Memorial Royal Marine Light Infantry United Kingdom Hampshire Victor Charles Gregory Private No. PO/13458
Southampton Cenotaph WW1 A-Go 1914-1920 United Kingdom Watt's Park, Southampton, Hants Bugler Albert Henry Burridge, RMLI, PO/16789; Pte Edward James Carver, RMLI, PO/8331; Flight Commander Charles Herbert Collet, RNAS (prev. Lt RMA), died 19 Aug 1915, Greece; Sgt Alfred David Curtis, RMLI, PO/1480(S); Pte William Frederick Daniels, RMLI, PO/1722(S); Pte Caleb Extance, RMLI, PO/8844 (RMR/B/956); Pte James Charles Fisher, RMLI, PO/16003, ; Pte Albert Henry Gilfoy, RMLI, PO/16706; Pte Alfred Edwin Gordon, PO/398(S) Great War 1914-1918. Includes: Burridge, Albert Henry; Carver, Edward James; Collett, Charles H; Curtis, Alfred David; Daniels, William Frederick; Extance, Caleb; Fisher, James Charles; Gilfoy, Albert Henry; Gordon, Alfred
Southampton Cenotaph WW1 Gr-K 1914-1920 United Kingdom Watt's Park, Southampton, Hants Pte Charles Green, RMLI, PO/2349(S); Pte Albert Guy, RMLI, PO/8245, (RMR/B/596); Pte Frank Holloway, RMLI, PO/16294; Pte Bramwell Horne, RMLI, PO/1437(S); Pte John Thomas Hiscock, RMLI, PO/16986; Musn William Charles Keeping, RM Band, RMB/661, died 4 Dec 1919. Great War 1914-1918. Includes: Green, Charles; Hiscock, John Thomas; Holloway, Frank; Horne, Bramwell; Keeping, William Charles
Southampton Cenotaph WW1 S-W 1914-1920 United Kingdom Watt's Park, Southampton, Hants Pte Frank Snell, RMLI, PO/15041 (RMR/B/1357); Pte Cecil Sydney Stone, RMLI, PO/1686(S); Pte Edwin William Walters, RMLI, PO/1746(S); Pte Lester James Frederick Walters, RMLI, PO/1723(S); Sgt George Henry Walton, RMA/4307 (RMR/A/0696); Pte Joseph Henry Wosikowski, RMLI, PO/14253 Great War 1914-1918. Includes: Snell, Frank; Stone, Cecil Sydney; Walters, E W; Walters, J F; Walton George Henry; Wosskowski, Joseph Henry
Southampton Cenotaph WW2 A-L 1939-1945 United Kingdom Watt's Park, Southampton, Hants Mne George Allott, RM, PO/22532, HMS Hood, died 24 May 1941; poss Mne Frederick William Bailey, RM, PO/18832, HMS Hood, died 24 May 1941; Mne George Edward Brown, RM, PO/X 1724, HMS Calypso, died 12 Jun 1940; Warrant Recruiter Bertie Edwin Fox, RM, HMS President, died 11 Sep 1944; Musician John Albert Geappen, RM Band, RMB/X 903, died 2 Aug 1947; Sgt Ronald Douglas Grant, RM, 44 RM Cdo, PLY/X 2122, died 15 Mar 1944; Mne Robert Percy James Leal, RM, PO/21003, HMS Victory II, died 11 Oct 1943 Includes: Allott, George; Bailey, Frederick W; Brown, George E; Fox, Bertie E; Geappen, John A; Grant, Ronald D; Leal, Robert, P J;
Southampton Cenotaph WW2 M-Sta 1939-1945 United Kingdom Watt's Park, Southampton, Hants poss Mne George William Frank Mills, RM, PO/X1 10891, 47 RM Cdo, died 7 Jun 1944, France; Lieut Albert John Parr, RM, 41 RM Cdo, died 22 Mar 1945, Netherlands; Mne Richard Sydney Povey, RM, PO/X 109896(T), died 25 Jan 1946; Mne Royston Henry Randall, RM, EX/5248, M N B D O 1, died 1 Jun 1941; Mne Lawson Alexander McGregor Salter, RM, PO/X121652, HMS Glenroy, died 28 Jan 1946, Sri Lanka; Mne William James St Ange, RM, PO/x 114352, 40 RN Cdo, died 9 Oct 1944, Albania; Includes: Mills, George W F; Parr, Albert J; Povey, Richard S; Randall, Royston H; Salter, Lawson A M; St Ange, William J;
Southampton Cenotaph WW2 Sto-Z 1939-1945 United Kingdom Watt's Park, Southampton, Hants Mne John Neville Stockwell, RM, PO/X 3716, 3 RM Cdo Signals, died 24 Jan 1945, Myanmar; Mne Leonard James Strange, RM, PO/X 101390, MNBDO (1), died 6 Oct 1941, Egypt; Mne Henry Edward Weaver, RM, PO/X 3923, HMS Hood, died 24 May 1941; Mne Robert Zammit, RM, PO/X 106117, 47 RM Cdo, died 31 Dec 1944; Includes: Stockwell, John N; Strange, Leonard J; Weaver, Henry E; Zammit, Robert
Southampton L&SW Railway memorial WW1 1914-1918 United Kingdom Ferry House, Ocean Way, Southampton, Hants James Henry Shea, RMA, RMA/8154; Pte, John Harrison, RMLI, PO/6508. There are no RMs on the WW2 plaque L&SWR, Docks & Marine. This tablet is erected and a cot endowed at the servants orphanage in memory of those who fell in the Great War. Includes: Shea, J; Harrison, J
Southampton Postal District Roll of Honour 1914-1918 United Kingdom Southampton Mail Centre, Mitchell Way, Southampton, Hants Pte Edward James Carver, RMLI, PO/8331 (RMR/B/712) 1914 Southampton Postal District Roll Of Honour 1918. Their Name Liveth for Evermore. Includes: E J Carver
Southampton Remembrance Book 1939-1945 United Kingdom Civic Offices, Southampton, Hants The book is hand-written using calligraphy and records 590 civilian and 510 military (inc Merchant Navy) dead. In memory of the citizens of SOUTHAMPTON who lost their lives through enemy action 1939-1945. Includes: Mills, George William Frank, Mne RM Commando, died 7 Jun 1944; Parr, Albert John, Lieut RM; Randall, Royston Henry, RM MNBDO1, EX/5248; Salter, Lawson Alexander McGregor, MNE, HMS Glenroy, died 28 Jan 1946; St Ange, William James, Mne, RM Commandos, died 9 Oct 1944; Weaver, Henry Edward, Mne HMS Hood, died 24 May 1941; Zammit, Robert, RM died 31 Dec 1944
Southampton St Denys Plaques 1914-1918 United Kingdom St Denys Church, Dundee Road, Southampton, Hants Pte Charles Green, RMLI, PO/2349(S) To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of all from this Church and Parish who laid down their lives in the Great War, 1914-1918. "Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends" (Inscription in window). Includes: Green, Charles, Pte, RMLI.
Southsea Memorial Royal Marines UK Southsea Located South Parade, Southsea, Hants.
Southwick & Boarhunt parisioners WW1 memorial 1914-1920 United Kingdom St James-without-the-priory-gate Church, Southwick, Hants Herbert Caude Stubbs, RMA/3529 (see Graves); George Rowe, PO/X6361 (see Graves); Alfred B Barfoot, PO/X14384 (see Graves) In memory of the following officers and men of the parishes of Southwick and Boarhunt who died gloriously for their country. List includes: Herbert C Stubbs, Gunner, RMA, HMS Hogue, North Sea, 22nd Sept 1914; George Rowe Pte, RMLI, HMS Vicknor, Irish Coast, 13th Jan 1915; Alfred B Barfoot, Sergt RMLI, Arras, France, 28th April 1917
Spean Bridge Memorial ( 1 ) RM Commandos UK Spean Bridge War Memorial 1939-1945 in honour of Commando Forces located Achnacarry, Lochaber Region, Scotland. It commands a magnificent view of the River Spean valley, Ben Nevis and the western end of the Great Glen.
Spean Bridge Memorial ( 2 ) RM Commandos UK Spean Bridge War Memorial 1939-1945 in honour of Commando Forces located Achnacarry, Lochaber Region, Scotland. It commands a magnificent view of the River Spean valley, Ben Nevis and the western end of the Great Glen. Inscription: In memory of the Officers and Men of the Commandos who died in the Second World War 1939-1945 - This was their training ground
Spean Bridge Memorial ( 3 ) RM Commandos UK Spean Bridge Subscribed by the people of Scotland as a tribute to the exploits of Commando soldiers of all nationalities who gave their lives in World War 1939-1945. Designed by Mr. Scott Sutherland it was unveiled by HM the Queen Mother 27 September, 1952.
Special Forces Support Group Memorial part 1 Royal Marines UK