Royal Marines Plaques & Memorials

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- George - will return all entries with Memorial George. Note searches are not case sensitive, e.g. searching for George and george will return the same entries.
- Commando – will return all the entries that have Commando in the content, e.g. Memorial Commando and Unit Commando.
- george Malta – will return all entries that have george as the Memorial name and Malta as the Country.

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Memorial Unit Date Country Location Notes Inscription
Special Forces Support Group Memorial part 2 Royal Marines UK
Special Forces Support Group Memorial part 3 Royal Marines UK
St Andrew's Church Farlington WW1 Plaque 1914-1918 United Kingdom St Andrew's Church, Farlington Musn Thomas Valentine Aylward, RM Band, RMB/1430; Pte Richard William Joseph Mortimore Bone, RMLI, PO/15058; Pte Albert Victor Davis RMLI, PO/16715; Pte William Hodges Crook Hicks, RMLI, PO/15272. NOTE: E H Burnett was actually: Pte Harry Egerton Burnett, RMLI, PO/15066 To the memory of the men of Farlington who died for King and Country 1914-1919. Includes: T Aylward, RMA; E H Burnett, RMLI; R, Bone, RMLI; A V Davis, RMLI, W H C Hicks, RMLI.
St Andrew's Church, Farlington RMA & RMLI 1914-1919 United Kingdom St Andrew's Churchyard, Farlington, Hants Names of T. Alward, RMA, and E. H. Burnett, RMLI, inscribed on War Memorial. To the memory of the men of Farlington who gave their lives for their King & Country in the Great War 1914-1919. Includes: T Aylward, RMA; E H Burnett, RMLI; R Bone, RMLI; A V Davies, RMLI; W H C Hicks, RMLI; T W Payne, Lce Sergt, RMLI
St Anns HMS Bulldog Plaque 1865 United Kingdom St Ann's Church, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth Sacred to the memory of Mr John Painter, Boatswain; James Green, Capt of fore top; Michael Mc Mann, Gunner RMA; John Glencross, Private RMLI, who fell in the ececution of their duty on board HMS Bulldog in the action at Cape Haytien, on the 23rd October 1865. Also of John Donelly, Capt of maintop, who died of a severe wound received on that occasion shortly after his return to England. This tablet is erected by their Captain and Officers as a mark of respect for their Memory and regret for their Loss.
St Anns HMS Hood Memorial May 24, 1941 United Kingdom St Ann's Church, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth Consists of a collection of items and plaques and a Roll of Honour compiled by Edwin Greenwood, bound in blue leather. See also Boldre HMS Hood Memorial and the HMS Hood Association website: Presented by HMS Hood Association in memory of those who died 24th May 1941. Rest ye brother Mariner, we will not wander more.
St Aubin-sur-Mer (2), France 48 Commando RM France St. Aubin-sur-Mer The Plaque was erected when the road was renamed in 1994 during the 50th Anniversary of D-Day ceremonies. Inscription: Rue du Major General James Moulton. ( Major General Moulton commanded, as Lt. Colonel, 48 Commando RM during the D-Day Landings on the left flank of Juno. He was wounded by mortar fragments but continued to assemble his men before they advanced inland ).
St George's Rumboldswhyke Memorial 1914-1919, 1939-1945 United Kingdom Wyke, Chichester, West Sussex Pte Arthur James Riley, RMA, RMA/14379, Eastney, died 5 Nov 1917 A M D C In memory of The Great war 1914-1918. Includes: WW1: Arthur Riley
St Georges Portsea Hood Memorial April 24, 1905 United Kingdom St George's Church, St George's Square, Portsmouth, Hants This comprised a framed print of HMS Hood and a Remembrance Book that was a copy of the one held in St Ann's Church, Portsmouth Dockyard. The book could not be found in Nov 2021 but the print of HMS Hood is kept in a storeroom. Presumably the same names as are recorded on the main HMS Hood memorial, see Boldre HMS Hood Memorial, and at St Anns HMS Hood Memorial
St Georges Portsea Plaque 1914-1918 United Kingdom St George's Church, St George's Square, Portsmouth, Hants Pte Frederick Stewart Aspinall, RMLI, PO/12580, HMS Black Prince, died 31 May 1916; poss Cpl William Henry Robinson, RMA, RMA/2241, (RMR/A/0580), HMS Aboukir, died 22 Sep 1914; poss Pte J A Ross, RMLI, PLY/17990, HMS Caesar, died 14 Oct 1918; poss Pte Henry Young, RMLI, PO/1339(S), 2nd RM Bn, RN Div, died 6 April 1918. Plaque kept in a storeroom (Nov 2021) St George's Church, Portsea. 1914-1918 These men laid down their lives in the service of their King and Country. Includes: F S Aspinall, poss W H Robinson; poss J A Ross; Poss H Young
St John the Baptist Locksheath Memorial 1914-1919 United Kingdom St John the Baptist Church, Locksheath, Hants Arthur Bridle, PO/10202, RMLI, HMS Viknor, 13 Jan 1915 1914 - 1918, To the Glory of God and in proud and grateful memory of the men of this parish who gave their lives in the Great War. Greater love hath no man than this, that a manlay down his life for his friends. Includes: Arthur Bridle
St John's Marchwood Memorial 1914-1918 United Kingdom St John the Apostle Churchyard, Marchwood, Hants Lance Corporal George Bloomfield Smith, RMLI, PO/15938, Portsmouth Btn, RN Div, died 5 Aug 1915, age 21. Commemorated at Port Said War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt In everlasting memory of our men who gave their lives in The Great War AD 1914-1918. Includes: G B Smith
St John's Marchwood Plaque 1914-1918 United Kingdom St John the Apostle Churchyard, Marchwood, Hants Lance Corporal George Bloomfield Smith, RMLI, PO/15938, Portsmouth Btn, RN Div, died 5 Aug 1915, age 21. Commemorated at Port Said War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt. To the Glorious Memory of the men of this parish who gave their lives for their Country in the Great War 1914-1918. Their name liveth for evermore. Includes: Lce Corp G B Smith, RMLI
St Luke's Church Parishioners memorial 1914-18 RMA & RMLI 1914-1918 United Kingdom St Luke's Church, Portsmouth Sgt John Facer, RMLI, PO/2246; Pte Percy Charles Prowting, RMLI, PO/16098; Probably George William Bullock, RMA/9678 (RMR/IC/14) To the Glory of God and the undying memory of the following parishioners and members of this church who died in the Great War 1914-1918 Their name liveth for ever more. Includes: George Bullock, RMA; John Facer, RMLI; Percy C Prowting, RMLI.
St Margaret's Church Parishioners Book of Remembrance WW2_ Allen 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Margaret's Church, Southsea Location of Book is currently unknown (Jul 21) Also see St Margaret's Church Parishioners Memorial WW2 Sydney William Allen, Sergeant RM. Lost at sea aboard HMS Dunedin, 24th November 1941. He worshipped at St Margaret's, Father B Copley was his Godfather.
St Margaret's Church Parishioners Book of Remembrance WW2_Harriman 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Margaret's Church, Southsea Location of Book is currently unknown (Jul 21) Also see St Margaret's Church Parishioners Memorial WW2 Reginald Leonard Harriman, Marine Musician, aged 20. HMS Glorious lost on June 9th 1940. His home was at 62, Brompton Road. He was in the choir and the Church Lads Brigade
St Margaret's Church Parishioners Book of Remembrance WW2_Long 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Margaret's Church, Southsea Location of Book is currently unknown (Jul 21) Also see St Margaret's Church Parishioners Memorial WW2 Bernard William Long, Marine Musician. Lost at sea when HMS Cornwall was sunk, 5th April 1942. He was married at St Margaret's in 1940 by Father Bevis Copley. He was born at 27, Tredegar Road
St Margaret's Church Parishioners Book of Remembrance WW2_Moore 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Margaret's Church, Southsea Location of Book is currently unknown (Jul 21) Also see St Margaret's Church Parishioners Memorial WW2 L G Moore, Marine of HMS Royal Oak, killed 14th October 1939. His home was at 'White Cloud Cottages', White Cloud Place.
St Margaret's Church Parishioners Memorial WW2 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Margaret's Church, Southsea Only the names are on the tablet but there is a Book of Remembrance that gives details of rank etc, but its whereabouts is currently unknown (Jul 2021). The following in the armed forces from this parish gave their lives. Includes: Sergt Sydney William Allen RM; Marine Musician Reginald Leonard Harriman; Marine Musician Bernard William Long; Marine L G Moore.
St Mary Hound Cross 1914-1918 United Kingdom St Mary the Virgin Churchyard, Hound, Hants Pte Gilbert Charles Sandom, RMLI, PO/15853 Remember the men of this parish who gave their lives for their King, their Country, and the Liberty of Mankind, 1914-1919. "Their name Liveth for Evermore". Includes: Gilbert Sandom