Royal Marines Plaques & Memorials

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- George - will return all entries with Memorial George. Note searches are not case sensitive, e.g. searching for George and george will return the same entries.
- Commando – will return all the entries that have Commando in the content, e.g. Memorial Commando and Unit Commando.
- george Malta – will return all entries that have george as the Memorial name and Malta as the Country.

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Memorial Unit Date Country Location Notes Inscription
Warlencourt Memorial France Warlencourt
Warren Francis Trotter mosaics (1) United Kingdom Grand Division Row, Henderson Road, Southsea, Hants Two mosaics that were part of the decoration in St Andrew's Church, Eastney. The church was converted to housing in the 1990s and this and most other immovable decorations were left in place and covered over. It is assumed that these mosaics still exist behind internal walling. To the Glory of God and in memory of Warren Francis Trotter ???? RM Artillery. These panels are erected by his brother Officers as a token of their Affection and esteem.
Warren Francis Trotter mosaics (2) United Kingdom Grand Division Row, Henderson Road, Southsea, Hants Two mosaics that were part of the decoration in St Andrew's Church, Eastney. The church was converted to housing in the 1990s and this and most other immovable decorations were left in place and covered over. It is assumed that these mosaics still exist behind internal walling. Retiring in 1912 he volunteered at the outbreak of war and was serving in command of the RMA Brigade Depot when he died 19 June 1916, aged 57.
Warsash Memorial 1914-1919, 1939-1945 United Kingdom Victory Hall, Warsash Road, Warsash, Hants Bertie Turner, RMA 14531, HMS Defence, 31 May 1916. No RMs for WW2. The Great War, 1914-1918, Their name liveth for evermore. Includes: B Turner.
Waterlooville War memorial_gate 1914-1919 United Kingdom St George's Church, Waterlooville, Hants Gunner Ernest Henry Rogers, RMA/8054, HMS Cyclops, buried St Peter's churchyard, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands Remember those who died in war and in all conflict, 1914-1918, 1939-1945. Includes: Ernest H Rogers, RMA
Waterlooville War memorial_tower 1914-1919 United Kingdom St George's Church, Waterlooville, Hants Gunner Ernest Henry Rogers, RMA/8054, HMS Cyclops, buried St Peter's churchyard, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands To the Glory of God and in memory of the gallant men and women who fell in the Great War of 1914-1918. The war memorial clock was re-erected in this tower 1969. Includes: Ernest H Rogers, RMA
West End Parish Scroll 1914-1918 United Kingdom Parish Centre, West End, Hants There is no record of a Charles Barfoot in the CWGC database or in the RM service records held by The National Archives, nor is he listed among the crew lost on HMS Hampshire. There is a Charles Barfoot RGA who died France 19.5.17. The Muster Roll (those who served) includes: Gnr Percy Charles Butt, RMA/4756; Gnr William Longman, RMA; Pte Reuben W Smith, RMA, RMA; Pte Alfred G Wheeler, RMLI. The Great War 1914-1919. Parish of Westend, Hants. Roll of Honour. Includes: Barfoot, Charles, 5.6.16, Pte RMA, HMS Hampshire
West End St James tablet 1914-1918 United Kingdom St James's Church, West End, Hants There is no record of a Charles Barfoot in the CWGC database or in the RM service records held by The National Archives, nor is he listed among the crew lost on HMS Hampshire. There is a Charles Barfoot RGA who died France 19.5.17. Below Window: To the Glory of God & in memory of those who died in the Great War 1914-1918 & whose names are recorded on the tablet below. Includes: Barfoot, Charles.
West Norwood Memorial United Kingdom West Norwood, London
West Norwood War Memorial Royal Marines UK London Memorial West Norwood, South East London Inscription: PO/X 102377 Lance Corporal R. W. Price, Royal Marines
West Wellow Cross_1 1914-1918 United Kingdom Roadside, West Wellow, Hants Probaby Cpl Herbert Goodchild Bond, RMLI, PO/2533(S). This cross stands at SU297196. The original cross on this site was destroyed in a traffic accident and this new cross erected in November 1984. The original plinth, which was undamaged, was re-sited outside St Margaret of Antioch Church in the village (see West Wellow Cross_2) To the Glory of God and in memory of those from this parish who gave themselves for us in the Great War. 1914-1918. Includes: H G Bond
West Wellow Cross_2 1914-1918 United Kingdom Outside St Margaret of Antioch Church, West Wellow, Hants Probaby Cpl Herbert Goodchild Bond, RMLI, PO/2533(S). This is the original plinth of the cross destroyed by a traffic accident and replaced by West Wellow Cross_1. To the Glory of God and in memory of those from this parish who gave themselves for us in the Great War. 1914-1918. Includes: H G Bond
Westbourne Memorial 1914-1919 United Kingdom St John the Baptist Churchyard, Westbourne, West Sussex Thomas Francis Griffith, Gunner RMA/2569 (RMR/B/1266), HMS Aboukir; Frederick Nathaniel Wells, Private, CH/21927, RMLI (Deal Depot), buried in Westbourne cemetery (see Graves). WW1: In memory of men from Westbourne who laid down their lives in The Great War, 1914-1919. Includes: Griffith, RMA; Wells, RMLI
Westkappelle, Walcheren RM Commandos Netherlands Walcheren Memorial to the Commando Units who landed at Westkappelle. Located at the Great Dyke, West Kappelle, Island of Walcheren, Netherlands
Whitechurch War Memorial 1 RMLI UK Devon
Whitechurch War Memorial 2 RMLI UK Devon Major Alexander A Cordner
Whitsbury St Leonard Plaque WW1 1914-1918 United Kingdom St Leonard's Church, Whitsbury, Hants Possibly: Pte Harry Carter, RMLI, PO/8224; Lance Sgt George Frederick Hall, CH/11139, RMLI Roll of Honour, To the Glory of God and in Memory of the Men of this Parish who served during the Great War, 1914-1918. Includes: Carter, H, Pte; Hall, G F, Pte
Wickham War Memorial 1914-1919, 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Nicholas's Churchyard, Wickham, Hants WW1: William John Dredge, Pte, RMLI, PO/14589, HMS Good Hope; Pte William Hall, RMLI, PO/295/S; Pte Ernest Edward Privett, RMLI, PO/18810; Pte George Harry Privett, RMLI, PO/14435; Pte W Kear, RMLI, PO/14944. WW2: Cpl J Frankpitt, RM, PO/X 2683 To the glorious memory of the men of Wickham who fought and fell for Faith and Freedom 1914-1919. WW1 includes: W Dredge; W Hall; W Kear; E Privett; G Privett. WW2 includes: J Frankpitt
Wickham War Shrine WW1 1914-1919 United Kingdom St Nicholas's Church, Wickham, Hants Pte William John Dredge, RMLI, PO/14589; Pte William Hall, RMLI, PO/295/S; Pte Ernest Edward Privett, RMLI, PO/18810; Pte George Harry Privett, RMLI, PO/14435; Pte W Kear, RMLI, PO/14944 The God who took will keep them in His care. Includes: W Dredge, Private RM; W Hall Private RM; W Kear, Private, RM; E Privett, Private, RM; G Privett, Private, RM.
Wickham WW2 Plaque 1939-1945 United Kingdom St Nicholas's Church, Wickham, Hants Cpl James Frankpitt, RM, PO/X 2683 Sacred to the memory of the men of this parish who laid down their lives in the Second World war 1939-1945. Includes: James Frankpitt