Royal Navy Documents

To see details of a specific document click on either the reference, e.g. AFO 713 or the description e.g. Badges for Stoker Ratings. This will open the corresponding PDF document in your browser window.

Searches can be performed by year, reference (AFO, etc) and/or description. After entering your search criteria, click Search.

To go back to the complete list, clear the search box then click Search.

To see details of a specific document click on either the Reference or the Description. This will open the corresponding PDF document in your browser window.

Searches can be performed by Year, Reference and/or Description. After entering your search criteria, click Search.

Examples of search criteria:
- Naval - will return all documents with the Description Naval. Note searches are not case sensitive, e.g. searching for Naval and naval will return the same entries.
- RN – will return all the documents that have RN in the content, e.g. Reference DCI(RN) and Description Uniform-Badges-RN.
- AFO Uniform – will return all documents that have AFO in the Reference and Uniform-Ratings in the Description.

To go back to the complete list of documents, clear the search box then click Search.

Year Reference Description
1995 DCI(RN) 274 RN Uniform-Introduction of belt waist black and belt waist white for RN, QARNNS, RNR and QARNNS Reserve
1995 DCI(RN) 4 Amalgamation of RN Cook and Catering Branches
1995 DCI(RN) 61 Stores-Clothing-Issuing Prices of RN, RM, and QARNNS officers and ratings clothing
1995 DCI(RN) 84 Uniform-Introduction of machine embroidered gold on black shoulder rate badge for wear by RN and QARNNS Petty Officers and Leading Rates
1995 DCI(RN) 96 Introduction of New No 7/7W Mess Undress for RN Female Officers
1996 DCI(RN) 33 Uniform-badges worn by RN and QARNNS Officers, Warrant Officers and Ratings-Inventory update
1996 DCI(RN) 45 Uniform-Gratuitious Issue of CA branch badges for wear by senior Ratings in the Catering Sub-Branch
1996 DCI(RN) 46 Uniform-QARNNS Male Nurses-Officers and Ratings standardization of Ward dress
1996 DCI(RN) 65 Disbanding The Instructor Branch
1997 DCI(RN) 102 Introduction of title Master At Arms(W) and Regulating Petty Officer(W)
1997 DCI(RN) 147 Stores-Clothing-Retail prices RN and RM Officers and Ratings and Associated Cadet Forces clothing
1998 DCI(RN) 52 Stores-Clothing-Retail prices RN and RM Officers and Ratings and Associated Cadet Forces clothing
1999 DCI(RN) 101 Uniform and Clothing-Introduction of Rate Badges for Able Rates
1999 DCI(RN) 70 Stores-Clothing-Retail prices RN and RM Officers and Ratings and Associated Cadet Forces clothing
1999 Dress Regulations Dress Regulations
2000 DCI(RN) 51 Stores-Clothing-Retail prices RN and RM Officers and Ratings and Associated Cadet Forces clothing
2000 DCI(RN) 75 Re-Introduction of Red Beret Badges for Artificers
2001 DCI(RN) 67 Stores-Clothing-Retail prices RN and RM Officers and Ratings and Associated Cadet Forces clothing
2002 DCI(RN) 117 Naval Ratings terms of service-Merger of the Warfare Branch Communication Technician sub-specialisations
2002 DCI(RN) 61 Stores-Clothing-Retail Prices RN and RM All Rank/Rates and Associated Cadet Forces Clothing