Royal Marines Graves

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If a single character is entered in the search field all the Surnames beginning with the character will be returned.

Examples of search criteria:
- ahern - will return all entries with Surname Ahern. Note searches are not case sensitive, e.g. searching for Ahern and ahern will return the same entries.
- Marine – will return all the entries that have Marine in the content, e.g. Number Royal Marine Artillery/10726 and Unit Royal Marines.
- ahern Harry – will return all entries that have Ahern as the Surname and Harry as the First Name.

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For an explanation of the Royal Marine Register Numbers see: RM Register Number.pdf

Surname First name Number Rank Unit Age Date Country of Burial Grave Location Notes
Young Robert Alexander Victor PLY/X2214 Marine Royal Marines H.M.S. Prince of Wales. Not known 16 February 1942 United Kingdom Plymouth Naval Memorial
Young Robert James CH/X 113009 Lance Corporal Royal Marines No. 47 R.M. Commando. 28 17 July 1944 France Ranville War Cemetery Son of James and Lydia Young, of Castleford, Yorkshire; husband of M. Young.
Young Ronald James CH/X 2902 Marine Royal Marines H.M.S. Neptune. 19 19 December 1941 United Kingdom Chatham Naval Memorial Son of George and Isabella Young, of Lumsden, Aberdeenshire.
Young Ronald John PLY/X 113752 Marine Royal Marines H.M.S. Royal Edmund. 21 18 April 1946 Belgium Brussels Town Cemetery Son of John Bernard and Annie Young, of South Yardley, Birmingham.
Young Terence Frederick RMB/X 2574 Musician 3 Commando Brigade RM Band 25 19 September 1959 Malta Kalkara Cemetery Inscription: In memory from the Commando Band
Young William Edward CH/13984 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry (RMR/A/625). H.M.S. Clan Mc Naughton. 42 3 February 1915 United Kingdom Chatham Naval Memorial Son of William Young (Clr. Sergt. R.M.L.I.), of Chatham.
Young William Herbert PLY/2024(S) Private Royal Marine Light Infantry 33 2 September 1918 France Queant Road Cemetery, Buissy
Younger Albert PO/X 3813 Marine Royal Marines H.M.S. Hood. 19 24 May 1941 United Kingdom Portsmouth Naval Memorial Son of J. G. N. and Lilian Younger, of Jarrow, Co. Durham.
Younger Andrew CH/967 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry 1st R.M. Bn. R.N. Div. 28 27 January 1917 France Connaught Cemetery, Thiepval
Younger Ralph PLY/X 101053 Marine Royal Marines 31 2 October 1943 India Kirkee War Cemetery Son of Ralph and Isabella Younger, of Brasside, Co. Durham.
Younger William Edwin PLY/11888 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry H.M.S. Invincible. 30 31 May 1916 United Kingdom Plymouth Naval Memorial Son of John and Alice Younger, of Oldham; husband of Lilian E. Younger, of 30, George St., Devonport.
Youngman Eric Thomas Herbert PO/X3804 Corporal Royal Marines 5 Armd. Sp. Grp. 22 6 June 1944 France Hermanville War Cemetery
Yoxon Arthur Mark PLY/16180 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry Plymouth Bn. R. N. Div. 20 25 August 1915 United Kingdom Plymouth Naval Memorial Son of Catherine Yoxon, of 66, Sunbury Rd., Anfield, Liverpool, and the late William Yoxon.
Zammit Robert PO/X 106117 Marine 47 Commando RM 23 31 December 1944 United Kingdom Southampton (Hollybrook) Cemetery Inscription: Gone but not forgotten - never shall his memory fade - sweetest thoughts ever linger - where he is laid
Zebedee Tom CH/2006(S) Private Royal Marine Light Infantry 2nd R.M. Bn. R.N. Div. Not known 6 November 1917 Belgium Tyne Cot Memorial